So many tempting places I want to stop and explore. Why not turn into the charming small town of Carmel and wander through boutiques, art galleries,...
Results of Outreach Book Sale
The recent book sale at City Center brought in $1690.26. (Thanks for the penny!) The funds received will be used to buy Buddhist books for prisons...
SFZC Seeks Manager of Major Gifts
Employee Job Description
Eijun Linda Cutts Welcomed as Central Abbess
Summary, with photos by Shundo David Haye
Sounds of Green Gulch Featured on KALW
It's a place where sound is shaped by a devotion to silence. —KALW ... They’re not music exactly, but they have patterns and the patterns...
SFZC Events for Wisdom 2.0 / Wisdom Week, February 10-13
Meditation Instruction and Talk on Wisdom from the Zen Perspective
SFZC Board Meeting Abbreviated Minutes (1/15/14)
On January 15, Zen Center’s Board of Directors met in an all-day retreat in the Conference Center at City Center to set goals for the year. The...
Marking Upcoming Transitions for Zen Center’s Abbots
Stepping Down and Mountain Seat Ceremonies
Funeral Ceremony To Be Live Streamed
The funeral ceremony for Myogen Steve Stücky at 3 pm on Sunday, February 9, will be live streamed from Green Dragon Temple on SFZC's live stream...