Last week, the organization honored Zen Center by naming Green Gulch Farm "Food Donor of the Week." The nonprofit collects extra fresh...
Congratulations to Green Gulch Shuso Shokuchi Carrigan
Photo: Renshin Bunce
Showing Up for Yoga Class: An Interview with Purusha Hickson
For Purusha Hickson, there is no divide between yoga practice and spiritual practice once you begin to connect to your body through yogic movement,...
The Head Monk Becomes a Teacher: Shuso Ceremony April 2014
A Story in Photographs by Shundo David Haye For the fifty or so monks who have been living at Tassajara for this ango, or practice period, the Shuso...
Mitsu Suzuki: 100 Years (Photographs)
A White Tea Bowl: A Book Event Celebrating Mitsu Suzuki Sensei’s 100th Birthday
Great Temple Hall I ladle sweet tea over Baby Buddha— simple dharma bliss Saturday, April 26, 2014 11 am - 12:30 pm in the City Center dining room...
SFZC Board Meeting Abbreviated Minutes (3/19/14)
The Board: approved an amended Deed of Gift sending the Zen Center archives to Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley. created a...
Warm Weather and Warm-Hearted Practice
This winter at Tassajara the weather has been very unusual--glorious, mild and clear, which we have all so deeply enjoyed. The pool has been in...
Wildflowers and Birds of Tassajara
Diane Renshaw, whose intimacy with Tassajara began in 1978, has known the valley and surrounding wilderness through her practice of Zen and as a...