On June 25, SFZC Central Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts joined Rev. Canon Sally Bingham of Grace Cathedral, president and founder of California Interfaith Power & Light (CIPL), and more than 30 representatives of several other religious groups from all over California for CIPL’s Lobby Day in Sacramento. CIPL members advocated for legislative bills that would put 1 million zero-emission or near-zero-emission vehicles on the road, including buses and trucks. Besides reducing buildup of greenhouse gases, this initiative also aims to protect the health of one in four Californians who live near freeways and often suffer with asthma or other related health challenges.
San Francisco Zen Center is a member of CIPL, described as an organization with “a religious response to global warming.” Central Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts is on its Steering Committee.

The Rev. Canon Sally Bingham is center (holding bag); Central Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts is third from right.