“I’m trying to convey our practice in everyday relatable terms, so that our Zen tradition is understood for what it is—one of passion, joy, and inclusivity.”
City Center Residential Applications Open for 2025
Come participate in residential practice in the newly revitalized Beginner’s Mind Temple!
Reuniting: Warm Hand to Warm Hand in Germany and Switzerland
By Tova Green In my role as Branching Streams Director, I recently had the great pleasure of visiting Zen Centers in Berlin and the Black...
Honoring SFZC’s Elders as They Depart for Enso Village
City Center and Green Gulch Farm held ceremonies in November and December to honor the first group of elders to move to Enso Village.
Timeline for Beginner’s Mind Temple/City Center Closures
As the 300 Page Street renovation project approaches, be sure to note these important dates.
Creating a Memorial Site for San Francisco Zen Center’s Teachers and Shusos
The Suzuki Roshi Memorial Garden is lovely and quiet, tucked into the foot of a hill behind the Herb Circle in the Green Gulch garden.
How Beautiful and Precious This Time Is: An Interview with Sara Tashker
[Since ancient times there has been an] understanding of the merit of supporting the Dharma. This places our supporters in a long and important lineage.
Alan Watts Memorial at GGF: New Name Marker Installed
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Alan Watts’ death, Green Gulch Farm installed a new name marker for his memorial stone.
A Spring Visit to Four East Coast Branching Streams Zen Centers
In May, as part of her role as Branching Streams liaison, Tova Green visited Zen Centers in Washington DC, Massachusetts, and Vermont.