Award-winning poet Brynn Saito, intrigued by the teachings of Zen Center founder Shunryu Suzuki, shares with us her poem in response to the master's...
The Littlest Bodhisattva
Tassajara monks Lauren and Kogen Dito-Keith are delighted to announce the birth of baby Calliope. Born on Saturday, March 12, at 1:11am, and named...
Book Sale to Benefit Zen Center Outreach Programs
The Zen Center outreach programs for prisoners, the homeless, indigent families, etc. are largely funded by our twice annual book sales. The...
‘How to Enter the Monastery’, a poem by Jisan Tova Green
"The monastery needs/ the road", writes Zen teacher and poet Jisan Tova Green, who spent many years at Tassajara, where the fourteen-mile entry road...
‘Without a Compass’: Art Show by Susan Imperial
"My inspiration springs from my feral imagination," says Susan Imperial, whose work is on show at City Center during the month of March. Everyone is...
Job Opportunity: Gifts Processing Coordinator
San Francisco Zen Center has a part-time opening for a Gifts Processing Coordinator. This position has significant responsibility in the areas of...
Job Opportunity: Development Database Manager
San Francisco Zen Center is looking for someone with Salesforce Database Management experience to oversee and manage day-to-day donor database...
Tassajara, A Poem by Mahin Mahdavi
A poem by Mahin Mahdavi, A Tassajara Monk
Far away from the endless sky,
nesting among the sycamore trees,
the little bird sits until her wings develop,
dreaming of flying.
The Rhythm of Tassajara’s Seasons
by Linda Galijan, Director We are now at the midpoint of the winter practice period, poised between winter and spring. Last night was skit night,...