Former journalist and self-confessed internet addict Djinn Gallagher explains how she's wrestling with the dualism of the digital world. Out beyond...
Great Spirit Sangha Confirms its First Shuso
Great Spirit Sangha completed its spring 2016 practice period on May 1, with the Shuso Ceremony of Kirk Phillips (Ten Zan Kai Do). Great Spirit...
Plan to Make a Difference
Legacy Giving and Estate Planning for Everyone Sunday, July 31, 2016 3:00 – 4:30 pm Abacus Wealth Partners, 101 S. Main Street, Sebastopol No...
‘Only Love Dispels Hate’: A Statement from Central Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts
On behalf of San Francisco Zen Center I join with all of you in grieving over the violence in the past weeks throughout the world. Massive bombings...
Board Chair Statement, July 12, 2016
Dear sangha members, This is the first of more regular updates from me as the Board Chair to keep the wider sangha up to date on the work of the...
TassNow: It’s Getting Hot in Here . . . Hello July!
While the temperature rises, more and more lovely friends make their adventurous trek to Tassajara. This month is very crowded and cozy. To find out...
Call for Volunteers to Help Publish Recordings of Dharma Talks at GGF
We are looking for volunteers with some technical skills to help make possible one of our most widely valued offerings -- publishing our dharma...
The Dharma of Peace, the Mountain of Silence: Practicing Zen in Medellín, Colombia
A community of practitioners in Medellín, Colombia, is working for peace and reconciliation in a deeply troubled country. Here they describe their...
Eyes of Compassion for the Victims of Orlando
Adapted from City Center Tanto David Zimmerman’s opening remarks at a memorial service on June 13, 2016, for the victims of the Orlando shooting....