On April 21, at Green Gulch Farm, three initiates received the precepts and Dharma names from Tenshin Reb Anderson.
Dario Girolami Organizes Buddhist Chaplains in Europe
One of the activities that has engaged Dario Girolami, Abbot of Centro Zen l’Arco in Rome, during this year of the pandemic has been developing an organization for Buddhist chaplains in Europe.
Priest Ordination in a Time of Pandemic
On March 21, a clear, cool Sunday morning, two residents of Green Dragon Temple (Green Gulch Farm) were ordained as priests by three preceptors: Abiding Abbess Fu Schroeder, Eijun Linda Cutts, the teacher for Kristin Diggs, and Tenshin Reb Anderson, the teacher for Valerian Hauffe.
Intimate Discussions: An Interview with Sokaku Kathie Fischer
Kathie Fischer and her husband, Zoketsu Norman Fischer, will be co-leading an online intensive Intimate Discussions: On Dogen's Zuimonki (March...
The Ten Oxherding Pictures: An Interview with Kyoshin Wendy Lewis
It’s about studying and knowing the teachings, and then, at various points, having the teachings and path drop away.
Saturday Sangha Study Group is Online
The Saturday Sangha has been an important and vital part of City Center's practice life for the past twenty years. Before the Covid-19 pandemic...
Interview with New Tanto Nancy Petrin
Sangha News speaks with Nancy Petrin (Horin Raika, Dharma Forest/ Bringing Harmony), recently appointed as tanto (head of practice) at Beginner's...
Green Gulch Farm 2020 Apprenticeship Programs Still Open for Applications
Apprentice positions are still open in the farm and garden + land stewardship programs at Green Gulch Farm for the 2020 season (April 8 - October...
Featured Photo: January 16
On Saturday, January 4, five initiates received the precepts in a Jukai/Initiation Ceremony with preceptors Central Abbot Ed Sattizahn, Shosan...