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Membership Meeting on October 23
Dear Members: We are happy to announce that this year the membership meeting will be live streamed so that you may join from anywhere in the world!...
Free Mulch Available from City Center
The City Center Garden received a great donation of mulch. As we have used as much as we need and there is still plenty to share, we would like to...
Tova Green Completes Dharma Transmission
Congratulations to Jisan Tova Green, who just completed a three-week intensive period of practices and ceremonies this past weekend related to...
Results from Ceramics Sale for Outreach Programs
Through Richard Urban's generous donation of his pottery, and the generosity of those who purchased pieces from the show (September 19 - 26), we...
A Book Reading of Zenkei Blanche Hartman’s Seeds for a Boundless Life
Friday, October 16, at 7:30 pm City Center Join us for an evening celebrating the teaching of Senior Dharma Teacher Zenkei Blanche Hartman. Zenkei's...
Digital Sangha: Practicing the Way—Together
Sangha Project update
Jukai: Lay Ordination, September 19
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A Heart as Big as a World
Carolyn and Curt Coleman's story of legacy giving. by Carolyn Coleman When my husband Curt and I moved to Santa Cruz in 1981, we began going to...