Spotlight on SFZC Outreach
Laying a Roof and Raising Consciousness: An Interview with Contractor Ezra Wynn on Being Atop the Guest House
Interview conducted by Lauren Dito Among the many large-scale improvement projects at Green Gulch Farm this summer, the re-roofing of the lovely...
When Meeting Trauma and Stress, Finding Balance Is a Natural Thing: An Interview with Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner Jane Lazar
by Jay Pennington Fight, flight or freeze? When it comes to handling stress, at the most basic level I have more in common with a wild animal than I...
A Warm and Present History: A Tribute to the Archivists Who Visited City Center
by Chris Shelton (photos by Jesse Stanley) For the fifth year in a row now, City Center has had the pleasure of hosting a group of students from the...
How Leftovers Help Us Reach Out
Spotlight on outreach & volunteers
Excerpt from Not Always So by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Slide Show
Meeting Conflict with Compassion: An Interview with Jisho Lisa Hoffman
by Jay Pennington, Sangha News editor A coach, consultant and Zen priest, Lisa Hoffman has had 25 years of experience guiding the leadership of...
Local Zen: Places to Practice in San Francisco
Having featured Branching Streams sangha profiles for four affiliated member groups in far-flung locations over the past several months, Sangha News...
Exploring the Inner and Outer Worlds through Zen, Photography and Hiking at Green Gulch