Meet SFZC’s New President, Michael McCord

“I’m trying to convey our practice in everyday relatable terms, so that our Zen tradition is understood for what it is—one of passion, joy, and inclusivity.”

City Center Residential Applications Open for 2025

Come participate in residential practice in the newly revitalized Beginner’s Mind Temple!

What is Zen Central? An Interview with Dana Velden

“Zen Central is a new approach for San Francisco Zen Center; it has restructured the way we do things.”

Meet Kōgetsu Jenny Mok, SFZC’s New Chief Financial Officer

“I like the idea that I’m helping take care of SFZC, including our wider sangha. It’s one way to save all beings.”

The Littlest Bodhisattva

The Littlest Bodhisattva

Tassajara monks Lauren and Kogen Dito-Keith are delighted to announce the birth of baby Calliope. Born on Saturday, March 12, at 1:11am, and named...

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