On Saturday, February 27, at 3 pm, there will be a ceremony in memory of Mitsu Suzuki Sensei in the Buddha Hall at City Center (the event will also...
Tassajara, A Poem by Mahin Mahdavi
A poem by Mahin Mahdavi, A Tassajara Monk
Far away from the endless sky,
nesting among the sycamore trees,
the little bird sits until her wings develop,
dreaming of flying.
The Rhythm of Tassajara’s Seasons
by Linda Galijan, Director We are now at the midpoint of the winter practice period, poised between winter and spring. Last night was skit night,...
Norman Fischer Remembers Okusan
In the summer of 2010, I went with a group of close students and friends on pilgrimage to Japan. We spent a week at Rinso-in, the original temple of...
Statement by Shunbo Zenkei Blanche Hartman on the Passing of Mitsu Suzuki
Suzuki Sensei was an inspiration to me, and to all of us. After coming to the U.S., Shunryu Suzuki Roshi gave Okusan a book on tea (Chado) and...
Funeral Statements by Tenshin Reb Anderson, Zenkei Blanche Hartman, and Fu Schroeder
The following statements were placed on the altar at Mitsu Suzuki Sensei's funeral at Rinso-in on January 14. SENIOR DHARMA TEACHER TENSHIN REB...
Memories of a Beloved Tea Teacher, by Mary Watson
My first encounter with Mrs. Suzuki (Okusan)—and with Zen Center—was when a friend wanted to show me Tassajara, and we arrived in the middle of...
Fu Schroeder’s 100th-Birthday Tribute to Okusan
A young monk performs Tea ceremony— Hanging kettle sways slightly I was so pleased to be asked to speak today on this wonderful occasion of...
Design the 2016 No Race T-Shirt
It's the 39th annual Tassajara No Race, and we're looking for a design to put on this year's T-shirt. Send us your drawing, and if it's chosen, it...