“You can be authentic, grow yourself, and claim your right to flourish,” says Jenée Johnson, who will be offering A Time to Heal: Insights on the Path to Healing Racialized Trauma, a four-week online class beginning May 6.
Priest Ordination in a Time of Pandemic
On March 21, a clear, cool Sunday morning, two residents of Green Dragon Temple (Green Gulch Farm) were ordained as priests by three preceptors: Abiding Abbess Fu Schroeder, Eijun Linda Cutts, the teacher for Kristin Diggs, and Tenshin Reb Anderson, the teacher for Valerian Hauffe.
Well-being Service at City Center Has a New Protocol
On most Saturday mornings, following morning zazen, a well-being service is offered at Beginner's Mind Temple (and currently held online.) The...
1,000 Wishes – 1,000 Cranes: An Interview with Paula Pietranera
By Tova Green For Paula Pietranera, a resident of San Francisco Zen Center, the pandemic began just as an exhibit of her paper folding art pieces...
Green Gulch Farm Apprenticeship Program Returns
Since 1994 Green Gulch Farm has welcomed those with an interest in both Zen practice and organic farming to live and work there as farm and garden...
Sunday Tea Gatherings Resume
by Tova Green Sowing the Moon Teahouse at Green Gulch Farm has resumed monthly Sunday afternoon tea gatherings through Zoom. For two decades, prior...
Speaking Out Against Anti-Asian Violence
Statement from San Francisco Zen Center Leadership, in collaboration with the Central DEIA Committee and CAIC With deep sorrow and grave concern, we...
Young Urban Zen Meets the Pandemic
By Tova Green In the early weeks of 2020, Young Urban Zen (or YUZ), a practice group geared towards people aged 20-40, was filling the City Center...
Tassajara in the Pandemic
By Tova Green Thanks to Leslie James, Abiding Tassajara Teacher, Linda Galijan, former SFZC President now residing at Tassajara, and Goyo Piper,...