Jan Art Exhibit
December 24
Dear Friends, I have not provided an update since before the Stepping Down Ceremony on December 15th, and I am having a surprisingly difficult time...
Accepting with Gratitude: Central Abbot Myogen Steve Stücky Formally Steps Down
My death asks so much of you. Please accept this as a teaching for yourself and for our Sangha. Accept with gratitude. —Myogen Steve Stücky In a...
Accepting with Gratitude: Central Abbot Myogen Steve Stücky Formally Steps Down
by Jay Pennington
Photos by Renshin Bunce
Congratulations to Green Gulch Shuso Bert Dyer
Featured Photo
December 12
As mentioned in the last post, Abbot Steve now receives regular medication injections and is able to “dose” himself as needed. This is a relief for...
Your Year-End Support Makes a Difference: Hear from Those Touched by SFZC Programs
Enjoy these brief, uplifting statements from those who have benefited from or administered some of the various programs and services that you...
Signs of a Shuso: Milestone Ceremony for Deaf Head Student Keith Baker
Photos by Shundo Haye
In Memoriam: Nelson Mandela
Born in 1918, Nelson Mandela was a symbol of great courage. After he was released from an unjust 27-year prison stay in 1990, he led negotiations...