Gathering the Mind online course
During this course on the sixteen bodhisattva precepts, you will be introduced to the Bodhisattva Vow from its origins in the enlightenment of Shakyamuni Buddha to its expression in the precept ceremonies and daily life practices of our Zen communities today. It will...
Sitting Down and Waking Up Together
Engaged Buddhism and Ensuring Democracy in the 2020 Elections Sunday, October 20, 1 – 4 pm with Chris Fortin, Sue Moon, Hozan Alan Senauke Empty Gate Zen Center 2200 Parker Street Berkeley CA 94704 Voting is the most precious and fundamental right in a...
A Walk in Honor of the Living Earth on June 23
Sunday, June 23, 1 – 5 pm Led by Wendy Johnson and Chris Fortin Please gather with us at Green Gulch Farm Zen Center as we set out together on a three-mile meditative walk in honor of the living Earth. In these times of climate challenge, we will make our way in...
Live Every Minute
A Shuso Ceremony at San Quentin