Djinn Gallagher wonders if her phone is lulling her into a false sense of security. Did you have a much-loved beaten-up teddy bear when you were a...
Branching Streams: Dancing Mountains Zen Sangha, United Kingdom
Dancing Mountains Zen Sangha has as its main aim the support of a number of local sanghas scattered throughout the UK. Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi...
Tassajara: An Update
The Tassajara Guest Season is cancelled due to the smoky conditions in the valley and the ongoing threat of the fire coming to Tassajara. Dear...
GGF Ecosattvas Hunt Down the MOOP
Green Gulch Farm resident Ecosattvas woke up early on their sleep-in day on Friday, July 15, to embark upon a bodhisattva treasure hunt along the...
Remembering Hiroshima with a Thousand Cranes
In commemoration of Hiroshima Day, August 6, we created 1,000 origami cranes, long associated with the desire for world peace. At both City Center...
Soberanes Fire Updates: August 14
Retreats and guest visits are cancelled until August 22. Soberanes Fire Update, August 14: Acres burned: 72,566 60% contained. Total firefighting...
Great Spirit Sangha Confirms its First Shuso
Great Spirit Sangha completed its spring 2016 practice period on May 1, with the Shuso Ceremony of Kirk Phillips (Ten Zan Kai Do). Great Spirit...
‘Only Love Dispels Hate’: A Statement from Central Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts
On behalf of San Francisco Zen Center I join with all of you in grieving over the violence in the past weeks throughout the world. Massive bombings...
The Dharma of Peace, the Mountain of Silence: Practicing Zen in Medellín, Colombia
A community of practitioners in Medellín, Colombia, is working for peace and reconciliation in a deeply troubled country. Here they describe their...