December 14, 2016
New Year’s Eve and Day at GGF and CC

New Year’s Events at our two public temples.

Photo by Shundo David Haye

New Year’s Eve at Green Gulch
Saturday, December 31
Begins at 8 pm
The evening program begins at 8 pm with meditation. We will alternate sitting and standing meditation until midnight, pausing during the evening for a hot noodle snack. Sitting ends at midnight with the traditional 108 rings of the Great Bell. The evening will close with a bonfire and hot drink. It is possible to sleep overnight—see web page.

New Year’s Eve at City Center
Saturday, December 31
Begins at 8:30 pm
This event begins at 8:30 pm with a work meeting followed by temple cleaning. Noodle soup is served at 10:00. The han begins at 10:30 to signal zazen at 10:45. There will be two periods of zazen and the ringing of the densho 108 times. The night ends with a bonfire in the courtyard.

New Year’s Day Celebration and Holiday at City Center
Sunday, January 1, 8:00 am
New Year’s Day Procession: Starting in the Buddha Hall, the procession will visit the various altars of the City Center temple building. The procession ends on the roof, weather permitting, or in the dining room with toasts to the New Year.
Sunday, January 1 and Monday, January 2
The rest of New Years ‘Day and Monday, January 2, are San Francisco Zen Center holidays: no zazen and no open meals.

Best wishes for the new year!