The monks at Tassajara have written a letter to the boundless sangha: friends, supporters, guests, former residents, fellow practitioners, all...
A Lattice Onto Which I Could Grow: An Interview with Former GGF Apprentice Jack Thomas
If you are inspired by Jack's experience at Green Gulch Farm, you may want to sign up for one of our many Guest Student and Apprenticeship...
The Farm Season in the Time of Shelter in Place
The Green Gulch 2020 farm season is now well under way. Every Wednesday morning, the community walks down to the fields after zazen for communal...
“How Can I Be of Service?”
In the midst of this global pandemic, many of us are asking ourselves, "How can I be of service?" Jeffrey Schneider, Coordinator of the Zen Center...
Join in Chanting for the Well-Being and Healing of All Those Affected by the Pandemic
For decades, the San Francisco Zen Center has performed a weekly Well-Being Ceremony, chanting for the health and safety of loved ones suffering...
Daily Life at City Center During the Covid-19 Pandemic
By Dawu Camille Whitney Numerous members of San Francisco Zen Center's wider sangha have written with well-wishes and to inquire what daily life is...
Every Day is a Good Day: Zen and the Art of Sheltering in Place
An essay by Jody Greene, Zen student, Zen teacher, Professor of Literature. Jody currently serves on the San Francisco Zen Center Board of...
A Bridge of 59 Stones: An Interview with Onryu Mary Stares
Starting on April 28, Onryu Mary Stares, City Center's Tanto or Head of Practice, will be leading the Spring Online Practice Period called A Bridge...
At Home Zendo Supplies
Thursday, April 2, 2:00 pm At Home Zendo Supplies The City Center bookstore is taking phone and email orders for incense, zafus/zabutons, books, and...