Sejiki is a traditional Japanese Zen Buddhist ceremony for the spirits of departed ones. This powerful ceremony summons forth all restless spirits...
November Art Show: Jenny M.L. Wantuch
Pond Reflections November 1 - 23 in the Art Lounge at 300 Page Street, SF, 94102 Reception: Friday, November 1, 7:30 - 9 pm Artist Statement I have...
Featured Photo October 10
Reading by Tassajara Creek. Practice period is in its third week, and it is still warm enough in the afternoons to sit by the creek, and to enjoy...
Featured Photo October 3
Green Gulch Farm's fall 2018 pumpkin harvest. Photo by Clare Hollander.
Sitting Down and Waking Up Together
Engaged Buddhism and Ensuring Democracy in the 2020 Elections Sunday, October 20, 1 - 4 pm with Chris Fortin, Sue Moon, Hozan Alan Senauke Empty...
Socks and Shoes for Homeless Men and Women
Sole Stop SF is a non-profit that provides socks and shoes to homeless men and women. You can participate by placing your donations in the barrel...
Featured Photo September 26
Congratulations to three newly ordained priests! On Saturday, September 14, Dillon Balmaceda, Myles Cowherd, and Eli Brown-Stevenson received priest...
October Art Show: Yawen Chien
October 1 - 30 San Francisco Zen Center Art Lounge 300 Page Street, SF 94102 Reception: TBA (October 4 date has been canceled) Yawen Chien was born...
Featured Photo September 12
Kobun Chino, Shunryu Suzuki, Li Gotami (born Ratti Petit in Bombay 1906, died 1988; wife of Lama Govinda), Lama Govinda (born Ernst Hoffmann in...