The Ino’s Blog: Lou passes
I announce to the great assembly: wind and fire have pressed in together on Reverend Shu-un Mitsuzen Lou Hartman, and he has been unable to avoid...
Facebook Posting on Lou’s Passing
Pub date: 2011-01-21 1:43:25 Categories: In Memorium|Announcements|For Lou Hartman
A Twitter Exchange on Lou
Screengrab of a Twitter exchange honoring Lou as a “true man of no rank.”
The Big Old Oak Tree: Lou Hartman, 1915-2011
I lived with Lou Hartman at San Francisco Zen Center's City Center from August of 2006 to December of 2009. When I first moved in, Lou would come to...
The Ino’s Blog: Darlene
I was lighting the altar in the zendo this morning when Jordan came in…. He came over to tell me that Darlene had died at 1:15 this morning.
Darlene Cohen, Su Rei Ken Po, has Died
Darlene Cohen, Su Rei Ken Po, Great Spirit Manifesting Dharma, died at 1:15 this morning after battling cancer.
Funeral – Life Celebration Ceremony for Jerome Petersen
Funeral – Life Celebration Ceremony for Jerome Petersen will be held on Saturday, February 5, at 3 pm at San Francisco Zen Center’s City Center in San Francisco.
Sitting with Jerome
From yesterday morning's dedication: "For our great, abiding friend and Dharma Brother, Chikudo Genki Jerome Petersen, who is passing from this...