When faced with how to respond to events in our lives—perhaps in a local way such as homelessness right outside our doors, or world events such as...
Book Review for Zen and the White Whale: A Buddhist Rendering of Moby-Dick, by Daniel Herman
by Catherine Gammon
Yin and Zen for Coming to Stillness
by Lisa Jansen
Three Ordinands Greet Fall in Buddha’s Robe
Featured Photo
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel on Living through Strong Emotions
Many of us find ourselves stuck in painful experiences in our lives for days, months and even years. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel's workshop Living through...
A Call for Farm and Garden Apprentices at Green Gulch Farm
Green Gulch Farm is accepting applications for apprenticeships during the 2015 season—and is asking for your help to get the word out. Please share...
An Interview with Denise Shephard, Alum of Establishing the Path of Practice
Most times the most precious parts of ourselves are dwarfed by a preoccupation with mundane, functional tasks that fill our days and thoughts. I’m...
Beginner’s Mind Zen Center: An Introduction to Northridge’s Neighborhood Zendo
Branching Streams Profile
Invitation to People of Color for Meeting at SFZC
Dear people of color community of San Francisco Zen Center, Green Gulch Farm and Tassajara, San Francisco Zen Center is exploring how to build...