I feel absolutely committed to the often-awkward work of agitating for greater awareness of the severe crisis our species has wrought upon the...
Rain Brings Deep Refreshment
by Shinchi Linda Galijan, Tassajara Director The storms of the past few days brought over 5 inches of very welcome rain, bringing us to a total of...
SFZC Cosponsors SFSU Conference on Mindfulness and Compassion
How can contemplative practices and rigorous scientific studies best inform each other for a greater common good? Internationally recognized...
Featured Photo, January 21
This snapshot from the spring of 2011 captures Urban Temple Dharma Teacher Ryushin Paul Haller appreciating the beginner's mind of his grandson,...
Introducing Akazienzendo Berlin: A Home in the Middle of Impermanence
Branching Streams sangha profile
Sharing an Open Letter from Zen Teachers on Abuse
A disciple of Buddha does not misuse sexuality. —from the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts This vow of deep intention is a guiding principle for living...
City Center Joins Neighborhood in Vigil After Four Shot on Our Corner
Featured Photo
Like Waves Rippling Out from Stillness: An Introduction to Ocean Gate Zen Center, Santa Cruz
A Branching Streams sangha profile by Steve Palmisano Ocean Gate Zen Center is located on the central coast of California in the small beach town of...
Bridging Monastic and Urban Practice: The Online Practice Period
by Lydia Linker