The first in a series of monthly updates on the Sangha Project, from Robert Thomas Can we use technology to wake up and experience liberation? Zen...
Roaming Zen: An Urban Walking Meditation
Slide Show
New Website Launched as Hub for Branching Streams Affiliates
Visit Zen Center’s Branching Streams network is branching out in a new way. A website was launched earlier this month...
Traveler-Photographer Shares Monumentally Sacred Sites in “On the Road . . . to Away-Seeking Mind”
Featured Photo
The Spirit of Zen: Keiryu Liên Shutt on Wise Effort and Non-Doing
The following reflection by Keiryu Liên Shutt was extracted from a talk she gave in 2008 titled “What I Love about Zen.” This rakusu was given to me...
The Environment Is a Field of Practice: A Swarm of Recent Events at Green Gulch Farm
I feel absolutely committed to the often-awkward work of agitating for greater awareness of the severe crisis our species has wrought upon the...
Rain Brings Deep Refreshment
by Shinchi Linda Galijan, Tassajara Director The storms of the past few days brought over 5 inches of very welcome rain, bringing us to a total of...
SFZC Cosponsors SFSU Conference on Mindfulness and Compassion
How can contemplative practices and rigorous scientific studies best inform each other for a greater common good? Internationally recognized...
Featured Photo, January 21
This snapshot from the spring of 2011 captures Urban Temple Dharma Teacher Ryushin Paul Haller appreciating the beginner's mind of his grandson,...