On November 5, Senior Dharma Teacher Tenshin Reb Anderson ordained his student Myoyu Malvern Costelloe at Green Dragon Temple in a shukke tokudo...
New Priest Ordained at Green Gulch
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On November 5, Senior Dharma Teacher Tenshin Reb Anderson ordained his student Myoyu Malvern Costelloe at Green Dragon Temple in a shukke tokudo...
Featured Photo (1)
Nov 4
Sangha Project
Consider this direct opportunity to make a difference by delivering one of our most widely distributed offerings: help us post a backlog of podcasts...
The Guest Program Plus a New Kitchen Program at Green Gulch Expanding the options for residential training, the staff at Green Gulch Farm Zen Center...
Featured Photo
Dear Friends, As we turn toward the fall of the year, enter into the practice periods at all three temples, and face the many brutal and senseless...
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