Artist Susan Spencer tells the intimate story of her 20 years of practice, how she met her late teacher Darlene Cohen, and why she has decided to...
Two New Teachers Receive Dharma Transmission
Last week, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel and Konin Melissa Cardenas completed their dharma transmission ceremonies and officially became dharma heirs in the...
Bernie Glassman, by his Student Michael O’Keefe
Last week, Zen Peacemaker Bernie Glassman suffered a massive stroke and was rushed to the hospital. As this inspirational teacher recovers, his...
Central Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts Attends Okusan’s Funeral
"So many of you expressed your love for and remembrances of Mitsu Suzuki upon hearing of her death on January 9, 2016 that I wanted to tell you...
Toasting the New Year at City Center
On New Year's Day 2016, the big bell began ringing at 7:45 am at City Center to signal the start of the New Year's Day ceremony - a relatively late...
Jukai Precepts Ceremony for Seven Bodhisattvas
On Saturday, January 9, auspiciously early in the year, seven bodhisattvas received the precepts and donned "Buddha's Robe", six of them for the...
Mitsu Suzuki Passes Away, Aged 101
We are deeply saddened to announce the death of Suzuki Roshi's widow, Mitsu 'Okusan' Suzuki, early Saturday January 9, 2015. The three temples rang...
Watching Fire: A Reflection from Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts
This year the abbatial leaders focused on the power of fire in their year-end message, encouraging us to be careful with fire in order to promote...
Congratulations, Fall 2015 Tassajara Shuso
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