"One of the worst feelings is to feel utterly alone," says former SFZC abbot Zoketsu Norman Fischer, "but it’s impossible to ever be alone." In the...
Call for Volunteers for Pico Iyer Events, July 24-25
UPDATED: Volunteers are invited to help Zen Center with registration, ushering, and book sales, especially for the Saturday workshop below—in...
SFZC Is Looking for an Event Coordinator — Immediate Opening
San Francisco Zen Center is a collection of three practice centers offering Zen meditation, training and programs in San Francisco, Marin and Carmel...
Sangha Is Crucial to Our Way
Sangha Project
The Zen Poetry of Aging: Three Brief Teachings
Zen poets for centuries have addressed the experience of aging in ways that may resonate with and clarify our own experience of it. Below are three...
The Long Road to Sitting Still, by Pico Iyer
Full article
Supporting Others with Your Practice; Practicing with the Support of Others: Dharma Buddies
It's like ravens soaring on a ridgeline. . . . it's comforting to do deep journeys with others nearby. —dharma buddy in Idaho A monthly update on...
Soto Zen in Northern Ireland: Introducing Black Mountain Zen Centre
It is the man throwing away his shoes as if to enter heaven and finding himself astonished, opened at last . . . —David Whyte, from “The Opening of...
Bike to Worship Week: Special SFZC Events Sat & Sun, May 30-31
On Saturday, May 30, Zen Center is participating once again in the annual Bike to Worship event organized by the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition....