Article by Kogen Keith and Hakusho Ostlund
Drawing by Claudia Hennum
Book Sale to Support Zen Center’s Outreach Programs
June 22 - July 1 Twice a year, Zen Center holds a book sale, the profits of which are used to support Zen Center's Outreach Programs. One such...
TassNow: Late-May Availability
May 19th-24th has last minute availability in a limited amount of private accommodations. First come, first served!
TassNow: Limited Availability in May
Limited availability in May, but there are lots of opportunities for 1-nt stays.
A New Gateway Emerges
This spring we said goodbye to the Tassajara gate that stood as an entryway to our mountain monastery for 40 years. In this video, we captured part...
Creating Enlightened Society
San Francisco Zen Center founder Shunryu Suzuki-roshi and Shambhala founder Chögyam Trungpa were close friends who shared a common vision for...
Friday Night Slide Show – Zen in India
On Friday, April 12 at 7:30 pm Shindo Gayatri, Zen priest and resident of Thiruvannamalai, India, will be presenting a slideshow on the effort being...
Exploring the Experience of Aging for Those 55 and Older
Article by Sachico Ohanks
Photos by Florian Brody
Sexual Misconduct by Zen Teachers: A Response from San Francisco Zen Center
Photo by Renshin Bunce