Featured Photo, September 25
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We Ate, We Hiked, We Swam and Some of Us Made Art
This summer some of us, while taking in the Tassajara experience, expressed our love and appreciation for this Zen mountain escape in the art we...
Member Interview: Hugo Medina
SFZC member Hugo Medina shares what membership means to him.
Group of Eight Vows to Save All Beings
On the evening of Wednesday, September 4, eight students received lay ordination in a City Center ceremony in which they vowed to refrain from all...
You Already Belong . . . Become a Member!
by Nancy Petrin, Manager of Annual Fund and Membership
Featured Photo, August 20
Photo by Valerie Boquet
Green Gulch Watershed Volunteer Opportunities Offer Time Together Caring for the Land
The wider sangha carries on the work and joy of caring for the land around Green Gulch Farm.
In the Midst of It: An Interview with Keiryu Liên Shutt on Embracing Change
Article by Kogan Sheldon, Program Assistant
Coming of Age Program Ramps Up for Another Year
This year’s opening day is September 8.