“What you see, what you understand, in term of concept, is not always true. This is the secret of Buddhism.”
Congratulations to Winter 2022 Shusos
Congratulations to Winter 2022 shusos Koei Kim Hart and Kodo Conlin.
Preparations for Fire Season at Tassajara
“Hopefully, one day good fire can be reintroduced to the land here, coordinated with local cultural burning practices; these small burns are a start.”
Bilingual Jukai Ceremony at City Center 2/25
El jukai se celebró en inglés y español, por lo que fue accesible tanto para los iniciados como para la asamblea.
Meet Roger Hillyard: From Barista to Bodhisattva
Roger enjoys it when his Zen life connects with his Farley’s life. Zen friends are regulars and Farley’s supplies coffee to all three SFZC locations.
Genjo Koan 2: Awakening the Archive, Tape 16
“So today we have today’s work, tomorrow we have tomorrow’s work, and each one of us has his own work, which should be perfect.”
When You Have A New Experience: Awakening the Archive, Tape 15
“All those teachings are each drops of the ancient sages—drop of blood of ancient sages. We have to study with our warm heart, not just your brain.”
Genjo Koan: Awakening the Archive, Tape 14
“You should appreciate, moment after moment, what you are doing right now … And first of all, you must know under which condition you actually are.”
Receiving the Precepts at Home
As Barbara received her new name and rakusu we chanted the robe chant and the precepts. Her voice was strong.