City Center is pleased to welcome people to several ceremonies that are now open for in-person attendance.
Zenshin Florence Caplow on Dancing with Chronic Illness and Pain
“I have a chronic, painful illness … It’s my dancing partner, my teacher, my enemy, my friend, my curse, my blessing. It constantly surprises me.”
SFZC Visits Sokoji for Obon
After a brief outdoor dedication, Rev. Kurotaki called on each participant to gently set the lantern of their ancestor afloat.
SFZC Engages in Healing and Reconciliation with Indigenous Nations
How do we want to be “good guests” on ancestral land of indigenous people who haven’t consented to our being there?
Jukai Ceremony on Mt. Tamalpais
Katy and Jordan received the precepts surrounded by mountains, ocean, and the good earth among their parents and sangha friends.
City Center Priests Visit Sokoji
Our July visit occurred in the middle of Obon, a time to remember and honor those who have died.
Not Sticking To Enlightenment: Awakening the Archive, Tape 26
“Just as you accepted your painful legs [during sesshin], you accept difficult everyday life.”
Hike, Sit, March: A Gallery of Sangha Celebrations
We held four gatherings in June to celebrate Zen-a-thon 2022 – we hope you enjoy this gallery of photos from the gatherings.
Lay Ordination: Awakening the Archive, Tape 25
The important thing is to say “Hai!” or “Yes, I will!” In this way, without having ideas about helping, “Just to be with people will be enough.”