March is the only month that contains a date that is a full sentence (March 4th). It also a month that marks movement toward spring: daylight...
The Spirit of Zen: Keiryu Liên Shutt on Wise Effort and Non-Doing
The following reflection by Keiryu Liên Shutt was extracted from a talk she gave in 2008 titled “What I Love about Zen.” This rakusu was given to me...
Developing a Honeybee Sanctuary at Green Gulch
Text and photos from Michael Joshin Thiele The idea for a honeybee sanctuary at Green Gulch Farm emerged out of concern for the survival of bees and...
Rain Brings Deep Refreshment
by Shinchi Linda Galijan, Tassajara Director The storms of the past few days brought over 5 inches of very welcome rain, bringing us to a total of...
Featured Photo: Arbor Day, February 2014
Images from last year's Arbor Day/Restoration Day at Green Gulch Farm. SFZC board member Dennis McNally digs in (lower) with grandchildren. This...
SFZC Cosponsors SFSU Conference on Mindfulness and Compassion
How can contemplative practices and rigorous scientific studies best inform each other for a greater common good? Internationally recognized...
SFZC Women Featured in Huffington Post
Featured Photo
Featured Photo, January 21
This snapshot from the spring of 2011 captures Urban Temple Dharma Teacher Ryushin Paul Haller appreciating the beginner's mind of his grandson,...
Introducing Akazienzendo Berlin: A Home in the Middle of Impermanence
Branching Streams sangha profile