Through Richard Urban's generous donation of his pottery, and the generosity of those who purchased pieces from the show (September 19 - 26), we...
A Book Reading of Zenkei Blanche Hartman’s Seeds for a Boundless Life
Friday, October 16, at 7:30 pm City Center Join us for an evening celebrating the teaching of Senior Dharma Teacher Zenkei Blanche Hartman. Zenkei's...
Say Yes!
An Update from Linda Galijan, the Tassajara Director Tanto Greg Fain gave the last dharma talk of the summer guest season on Saturday night,...
New Website Compiles Teaching and Poetry of Daigan Lueck
A new website has been created to commemorate Daigan Lueck, who lived and taught at Green Gulch Farm Zen Center for many years until his death this...
Featured Photo, September 9
Photo by Romy Senderos Roses gracing the garden at Tassajara, where the final days of guest season are approaching--this weekend.
Supported by Community, Grounded in Practice
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Featured Photo, September 2
Photo by David Silva This exquisite photo of one of the many wild quail frequently seen around Green Gulch Farm is a reminder of the beauty that can...
Clara House Families Enjoy a Day at Green Gulch
Last week, Green Gulch Farm welcomed families from Clara House for a day of fun in the country, including a tour, lunch and time at the beach. Clara...
Shosan Victoria Austin on Meditation Postures Designed for the Female Body
The main point of meditation is the same for all humans: to rest in the ultimate, and to experience the connection between ultimate and conditioned...