While Covid-19 restrictions prevented San Francisco Zen Center from holding the usual Zen-a-thon Day of Celebration this past spring, sangha members...
Closed Captioning: Benefits and Limitations
Recently, Closed Captioning was enabled for all San Francisco Zen Center’s programs, classes, Dharma talks, and meetings, that is, anything presented via Zoom.
Roots and Refuge: An Interview with Chenxing Han
By Tova Green For Chenxing Han, the Month of May, which is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, has been bookended by two events, the May We...
Pamela Ayo Yetunde and the Buddhist Justice Reporter Project
By Tova Green Pamela Ayo Yetunde, a Community Dharma Leader, Zen practitioner, chaplain, and author, was living in St. Paul when George Floyd was...
Duncan Ryuken Williams and the May We Gather Memorial
Duncan Williams is a Soto Zen priest and the author of American Sutra, which tells of the internment of Japanese American Buddhists during WWII. He...
How a Zen Priest Contributed to the Oscar-Nominated Film “Soul”
It is unusual to see the name of a Zen Buddhist teacher in the credits of a Disney/Pixar animated film. Many people have noticed Daijaku Kinst’s name at the end of Soul, a recent release that has been nominated for three Academy Awards.
A Time to Heal: An Interview with Jenée Johnson
“You can be authentic, grow yourself, and claim your right to flourish,” says Jenée Johnson, who will be offering A Time to Heal: Insights on the Path to Healing Racialized Trauma, a four-week online class beginning May 6.
1,000 Wishes – 1,000 Cranes: An Interview with Paula Pietranera
By Tova Green For Paula Pietranera, a resident of San Francisco Zen Center, the pandemic began just as an exhibit of her paper folding art pieces...
Sunday Tea Gatherings Resume
by Tova Green Sowing the Moon Teahouse at Green Gulch Farm has resumed monthly Sunday afternoon tea gatherings through Zoom. For two decades, prior...