Suzuki is interested in the “unique feeling” that can be created in a sangha and in a “renewed feeling for zazen” each time we sit all day.
Where There Is Some Limitation, There Is Universality: Awakening the Archive, Tape 9
“So we do not try to escape from this world to some special world. We should find out the true meaning of life in our everyday life.”
Mark Epstein on The Zen of Therapy
“We don’t exist as separate beings; we’re relational beings. Psychotherapy is an interpersonal meditation.”
Jukai Ceremony at Green Gulch Farm 12/21
Abiding Abbess Furyu Schroeder offered the precepts to two people in a jukai/lay initiation ceremony at Green Gulch Farm on December 21.
Jukai Ceremony at Green Gulch Farm 12/19
Five people received the precepts in a jukai/lay initiation ceremony at Green Gulch Farm on December 19.
Jukai Ceremony at City Center
This was the first jukai ceremony at City Center since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and a joyful event for participants and guests.
Tassajara Provides a Refuge for Wildland Firefighters
It’s a beautiful thing to feel the gift of what is unfolding for participants. It’s a container in which people—and we facilitators—can show up.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Our Friend and Teacher: 1926 – 2022
Thay, as he was affectionately known, was one of the world’s great Bodhisattvas, bringing Buddhism to the West with his compassionate teachings.
Tokusan and the Old Lady: Awakening the Archive, Tape 8
“We have completed sesshin. This will become more meaningful if you extend this practice from today to tomorrow, and from sitting to everyday life.”