Not Harming and Doing Good (in the Long Now)
A Statement from the Abbatial Leadership of San Francisco Zen Center We, as the abbatial leaders, would like to express our gratitude for the many expressions of appreciation and concern that we have heard since putting out our post-election statement...
Tassajara, A Poem by Mahin Mahdavi
A poem by Mahin Mahdavi, A Tassajara Monk
Far away from the endless sky,
nesting among the sycamore trees,
the little bird sits until her wings develop,
dreaming of flying.

The Rhythm of Tassajara’s Seasons
by Linda Galijan, Director We are now at the midpoint of the winter practice period, poised between winter and spring. Last night was skit night, full of the joy of friends and community, laughter and music. Tonight is the Parinirvana ceremony, a deeply solemn...