by Sangha News editor | Nov 10, 2016 | Governance
San Francisco Zen Center seeks candidates to serve on its Board of Directors. We are asking everyone in the Sangha to help identify people who could contribute and would be willing to serve. In recruiting candidates, our priorities include continuing to make the board...
by Sangha News editor | May 19, 2017 | Governance, News
From Joe Rodriguez, Governance Chair, SFZC Board of Directors San Francisco Zen Center needs candidates to be considered for its Board of Directors. We are asking everyone in the sangha to help identify people who could contribute and would be willing to serve. In...
by Sangha News editor | Sep 21, 2016 | Governance, News
A letter from Central Abbess Eijun Linda Cutts, SFZC President Susan O’Connell, and Board Chair Larry Bye. Dear Sangha Members, We want to tell you about some changes to the process of selecting members to serve on the San Francisco Zen Center Board of...
by Sangha News editor | Sep 27, 2018 | Features, Governance, News
from Joe Rodriguez, Governance Chair, SFZC Board of Directors We are seeking SFZC practitioners to serve on our Board of Directors. We are looking for Sangha members who would be willing to be considered and interviewed for a three-year term. In recruiting candidates,...
by Sangha News editor | Dec 16, 2016 | Governance, News
The San Francisco Zen Center Board of Directors wishes to thank the members of San Francisco Zen Center for their participation in the approval of the by-laws amendments adopted by the Board. Eighty-seven percent of the ballots cast voted in favor of the amendments....