Volunteer Still Needed for GGF Garden Items at SF Ferry Plaza Stand
A volunteer is still needed to help at the Green Gulch produce stand at the Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market in San Francisco for every Saturday in September. Responsibility would be primarily for selling the flower bouquets, herbs, and fruit, from approximately 7...Jeff Broadbent, Sociology Professor and Environmental Activist, Speaks Aug 19
Way-Seeking Mind: Lay Wanderings in East/West Heart/Mind Scapes A talk by Jeff Broadbent in the City Center dining room (free; by donation) Tuesday, August 19, 7:30 pm Suzuki Roshi taught way-seeking mind. Opening mind to whatever comes up, mind weeds and mind jewels....Local Zen: Places to Practice in San Francisco
Having featured Branching Streams sangha profiles for four affiliated member groups in far-flung locations over the past several months, Sangha News turns its focus local, to the many Soto Zen groups within the Suzuki Roshi lineage that have sprung up right around...
Exploring the Inner and Outer Worlds through Zen, Photography and Hiking at Green Gulch