TassNow: Last-minute Availability May 8-15

If you have been meaning to check on availability in your favorite May retreat, check now! If you can get away from the hustle and bustle for a few days, there are amazing accommodations awaiting you! There are four- and five-night stays available in private cabins...

TassNow: May Retreats Are Filling Fast

If you have been meaning to check on availability in your favorite May retreat, check now! May retreats are filling fast, but there’s still a few spots left for: Wild Heart Writing Retreat, Daoist Walking QiGong and Aligning With Stillness Yoga Retreat. Call us...

TassNow: Early Birds, Sweet Spring

Early birds and the sweet spring air are bustling and rustling through lots of open space at Tassajara. There are still delightful options for regular overnight stays (two or three nights, too) in creekside cabins and various shared housing options, beginning April...