by Roosevelt Roshin Ulloa
Honoring the Path of the Warrior: A Journey of Healing
by Anne Connolly What does it mean to honor our veterans? There’s more than one way, of course, but Lee Lesser and Chris Fortin provided an...
“Feeding the Hunger in All of Us” Food Drive
City Center is inviting sangha members to bring non-perishable food items to donate as part of this year's food drive, which will take place from...
New Liaison for Affiliate Sanghas
Begins January 2013
Seven Days of Collecting the Mind
Rohatsu Sesshin
We Consider How This Food Comes To Us
GGF Residents Discuss Genetically Modified Food As a continuation of Food Awareness Month at Green Gulch Farm, the Ecosattvas have been discussing...
The Time Has Come to Transform Caregiving – 2013 Contemplative Caregiver Course Registration Opens
Applications due Dec 15
SFZC Board Election and Bylaw Change
Current SFZC members are invited to participate in two very important decisions for the future of our sangha. First, the approval of the slate of...
On Hoitsu Suzuki’s Last Day at Eiheiji
by Isao Miyanoiri