After lecture, we all walk together across the street to Koshland Park, and there’ll be balloons, green grass, laughter, flowers, parasols,...
Warm Weather and Warm-Hearted Practice
This winter at Tassajara the weather has been very unusual--glorious, mild and clear, which we have all so deeply enjoyed. The pool has been in...
2nd Annual Spring Sit-A-Thon Set for April 13
Save the Date ! San Francisco Zen Center's 2nd Annual Spring Sit-A-Thon Sunday, April 13, 2014 9am - 6pm City Center, 300 Page Street, San Francisco...
What Happens When Zen Teacher Edward Espe Brown Encounters the Puppet Ponce the Pig? A Small Aventure Tale for Grown-ups
Book Review by Catherine Gammon
All-Inclusive, Smiling Zen: An Introduction to Marblehead Zen Center
A Branching Streams Sangha Profile
by Al Flagg, Sangha Member
Sounds of Green Gulch Featured on KALW
It's a place where sound is shaped by a devotion to silence. —KALW ... They’re not music exactly, but they have patterns and the patterns...
SFZC Events for Wisdom 2.0 / Wisdom Week, February 10-13
Meditation Instruction and Talk on Wisdom from the Zen Perspective
Beyond the Pain: A Contemplative Caregiver’s Experience
Article by Brendan Crowe, Contemplative Caregiver Course Administrator
In Memoriam: Myogen Steve Stücky
Daitsu Myogen Steven Stücky (Great Pervading Subtle Eye; March 6, 1946 – December 31, 2013) San Francisco Zen Center’s first central abbot, Myogen...