by Amity Bacon
Arts & Culture
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Introducing Centro Zen L’Arco, Roma: A Roman Gate to Zen
by Dario Girolami
One Farm Season—in Season Now
Planting season is in full swing at the farm and is documented on the blog Record of the Event Called One Farm Season, with reflective posts by the...
Dragons in the City by Lake Michigan: Introducing Chicago’s Ancient Dragon Zen Gate
A Branching Streams sangha profile
Featured Photo, June 11
by Chris Shelton
The Zen Poetry of Philip Whalen and Wallace Stevens
Remember getting lost in a line of a poem? Time stops, our thoughts quicken, as we discover the meaning of the line and in the process uncover the...
Featured Artwork, May 28
by Mike Hardin
The Great Creativity in Being Bodhisattvas
by Chris Fortin and Jaune Evans Life—its essence/suchness—is creative. It is endless and vast creative possibility. Just looking around, we can see...
Featured Photo, May 21
Tassajara, 2002