Dear practitioners of the way and members of the wider sangha, Do you like books? How about incense? Or meditation cushions, or statues, or chatting...
A Summer Dish Worth the Drive: Enchiladas Rojas by Melinda Miller
Summer guest season at Tassajara offers luscious farm-to-table organic vegetarian cuisine that stems from the Zen tradition of attending to our food...
Comings and Goings in the Valley
We are four and a half weeks into our summer guest season, and over 200 guests have travelled here to enjoy the lush spring landscape, the...
The Long Road to Sitting Still, by Pico Iyer
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Raising a Bell Tower: A Message from Arlene Lueck
Dear Friends, For those of you who have written, called and otherwise reached out, thank you so much for your kindness and your expressions of...
Special Delivery: Temple Instruments from Japan
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Supporting Others with Your Practice; Practicing with the Support of Others: Dharma Buddies
It's like ravens soaring on a ridgeline. . . . it's comforting to do deep journeys with others nearby. —dharma buddy in Idaho A monthly update on...
Soto Zen in Northern Ireland: Introducing Black Mountain Zen Centre
It is the man throwing away his shoes as if to enter heaven and finding himself astonished, opened at last . . . —David Whyte, from “The Opening of...
Bike to Worship Week: Special SFZC Events Sat & Sun, May 30-31
On Saturday, May 30, Zen Center is participating once again in the annual Bike to Worship event organized by the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition....