As a part of the Diwali celebration, Zachary was asked to speak from the Zen tradition about what light means to him.
Buddhist Stories for Kids: An Interview with Author Laura Burges
Laura Burges’s first children’s book offers ten ancient tales retold by a seasoned storyteller, children’s educator, and Buddhist teacher.
Invitation for New Members of CAIC (Cultural Awareness and Inclusivity Committee)
CAIC is offering this invitation to learn more or join the committee.
Sewing Robes for SFZC’s New Abbatial Leaders: An interview with Tim Wicks and Paula Pietranera
Tim sees this as “a tactile expression of the dropping away of the self. It’s community based … Sewing the abbots’ robes is deeply moving.”
An Unusual Visitor Awakens Compassion
During the hour of Linda’s visit with Noodle, many residents stopped by and were captivated by the gentle, cuddly elder dog.
Kilian Clark: Carpenter and Zen Student
On Kilian’s altar, there’s a photo of his 2009 jukai group in the City Center courtyard; he sees it and thinks, “That’s home.”
Dharma Lamp Circle Celebration at Greens
The room was filled with joy, love, and laughter which felt even more special after two years of pandemic social distancing.
SFZC Launches Its Online Learning Platform: An Interview with Brendan Crowe
Most of the classes offered on Online Learning were live Zoom classes offered during the last few years, repackaged with added material.
Meet Rosemary Jordan, New CEO of Enso Village
“People of different ages and at different points in their Zen training were interested in and excited about Enso Village.”