Jukai group following the ceremony, left to right: Anshi Rosalie Curtis, Parul Bajaj, Doshin Mako Voelkel, Mark Rivera, and Kyoshin Wendy Lewis. Photo by Mark Lachman.
Congratulations to the initiates who received the precepts in a Jukai Ceremony at SFZC’s City Center on April 22.
Receiving the precepts from Kyoshin Wendy Lewis was Mark Rivera – Dōshin Enō / Way of Trust, Wisdom Ability, and from Anshi Rosalie Curtis, Parul Bajaj – Seirin Kodō / Serene Forest, Ancient Way. City Center Abbot Doshin Mako Voelkel served as one of the three preceptors for the ceremony.

Kyoshin Wendy Lewis with Mark Rivera. Photo by Mark Lachman.

Anshi Rosalie Curtis with Parul Bajaj. Photo by Mark Lachman.
Parul Bajaj lives in Bangalore, India. She studied the precepts with Rosalie via Zoom for about two years and sewed most of her rakusu over Zoom with sewing teacher Tim Wicks. She traveled to City Center a few weeks before the ceremony to put the finishing touches on her rakusu and receive the precepts.