City Center library. Photo by Wendy Lewis.
Our beloved books need your help!
To prepare for the upcoming renovation of City Center, SFZC will be having a “Book Rescue” volunteer work weekend September 8 – 10. We are looking for volunteers to help pack, label, and securely store the library’s rich collection of contemporary and historical works on topics including Buddhism, Zen art, women in Buddhism, psychology, and more.

Marcia Lieberman in the City Center library
Coordinating this massive effort is Marcia Lieberman, a long-time Buddhist practitioner who has been affiliated with San Francisco Zen Center since 1989 and has overseen the City Center library for many years.
We are seeking volunteers for five 3-hour volunteer shifts:
- Friday, September 8, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 – 4:30 pm
- Saturday, September 9, 1:30 – 4:30 pm
- Sunday, September 10, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 – 4:30 pm
During each shift there will be a tea and cookie break. Feel free to sign up for as many shifts as you’d like!
To volunteer, please contact our event coordinator, Brent Haas, at brent.haas@sfzc.org with your preferred shift(s).
BONUS: Zen Iconography Tour on Saturday
While lending a hand on Saturday, you’ll also have the chance to delve into the mysteries of Zen. On Saturday at 12:30 pm, SFZC’s Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator Jeffrey Schneider will offer a temple tour and answer your questions about Zen. Ever wondered who Avalokiteshavara is, or why Bodhidharma has such big eyes? Curious about where Tara comes from, or how to tell one Buddha from another, or what the wooden fish signifies? Here’s your chance to find out. To register for the tour, click the Register Online button on the Events and Updates web page.
This is a unique chance to contribute, connect, learn, and strengthen our shared commitment to preserving our invaluable resources. Let’s pack up the library, foster our community spirit, and unlock the mysteries of Zen together!
Warm bows,
Marcia Lieberman and Jeffrey Schneider
Interested in volunteering, but unable to make it this time? Email Brent Haas at brent.haas@sfzc.org to ask about other volunteer opportunities.