Mary Stares and Rinso Ed Sattizahn. Photo by Erin Merk.
Mary Stares received Dharma Transmission from Rinso Ed Sattizahn at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center on July 19. Mary’s Dharma name is Onryu Soin / Gentle Dragon, Innermost Ancestor.
Mary has lived and practiced at all three of the SFZC temples and has lived in a number of other Buddhist communities since 1999.
A personal note from Mary:
“My Dharma Name is Onryū, Soin. Gentle Dragon, Innermost Ancestor. The first name was given by Arlene Lueck at Jukai, the second name came to me during Dharma Transmission reflecting one character from each of Ed’s two names.
I am unable to properly express my gratitude to Ed Sattizahn, my preceptor, and to San Francisco Zen Center Sangha for the support I have received throughout the last 24 years. Completing the ceremony at Tassajara was a gift. It was also a gift to have Victoria Austin, Sarah Emerson, Charlie Pokorny, and Erin Merk come to the valley to assist and support Ed and me during the final week of ceremonies. Tassajara and the practice there are embedded in my bones and marrow. Receiving Dharma Transmission in that precious place was deeply meaningful to me.
May the benefit of that ceremony benefit all beings!”