Tassajara is seeking to fill the Jamesburg Assist/Caretaker position starting in January 2015. We are looking for a couple or a single person to...
Giver, Receiver and Gift: Closing Words from Tassajara Director Shinchi Linda Galijan
September 15, 2014 Right now, Tassajara is very quiet. It’s just after 9 am on Monday morning. Guest season ended yesterday; we said goodbye to the...
Featured Photo, September 10
Soon we'll be wishing a farewell to summer for another year, but there's always the warmth of sangha, as demonstrated by this girls' group from the...
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel on Living through Strong Emotions
Many of us find ourselves stuck in painful experiences in our lives for days, months and even years. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel's workshop Living through...
A Call for Farm and Garden Apprentices at Green Gulch Farm
Green Gulch Farm is accepting applications for apprenticeships during the 2015 season—and is asking for your help to get the word out. Please share...
SFZC Joins Brooklyn Zen Center for People’s Climate March in New York
San Francisco Zen Center representatives will join a contingent from Brooklyn Zen Center to express serious concern for the environment at the...
Watershed Work Party This Sunday Begins with Visit to Creek Restoration Site
Hello Green Gulch watershed volunteers, The skies have cleared of fog and the sun has been shining. Even more amazing is the transformation that is...
An Interview with Denise Shephard, Alum of Establishing the Path of Practice
Most times the most precious parts of ourselves are dwarfed by a preoccupation with mundane, functional tasks that fill our days and thoughts. I’m...
Beginner’s Mind Zen Center: An Introduction to Northridge’s Neighborhood Zendo
Branching Streams Profile