Norman Fischer is very approachable, more like your friendly neighbor than the former Abbot of San Francisco Zen Center, nationally known writer,...
A Plunge into Zen Koans: An interview with Zoketsu Norman Fischer
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Norman Fischer is very approachable, more like your friendly neighbor than the former Abbot of San Francisco Zen Center, nationally known writer,...
Right away I noticed, when interviewing Darcy Lyon, her expressiveness and warmth. She has an off-hand way of revealing progress towards elusive...
Photos by Shundo David Haye
Join the SFZC contingent
Article by Sachico Ohanks
Photographs by Clare Hollander
Article by Kogan Sheldon
Article by Amity Bacon
by Lauren Fabumni Last Sunday, March 3, some of us participating in the Spring Practice Period ventured out from City Center to Berkeley so we could...
Photo by Carolyn Cavanagh