Tassajara’s Gate Opens for the Guest Season!
May the healing energy of this valley, and the transformative power of practice, nourish and sustain all of us, and all who enter this gate.
May the healing energy of this valley, and the transformative power of practice, nourish and sustain all of us, and all who enter this gate.
Congratulations to three initiates who received the precepts in a ceremony at City Center on April 23. The preceptor was Keiryu Lien Shutt.
Pamela is drawn to the “Hsin Hsin Ming” because it helps illuminate how we can live an undivided life.
“What you see, what you understand, in term of concept, is not always true. This is the secret of Buddhism.”
Congratulations to Winter 2022 shusos Koei Kim Hart and Kodo Conlin.