November 4

A brief update for now:  there doesn’t appear to have been any significant effect from last week’s chemo at this point, and the issues of pain, nausea and appetite continue. We hope to have a fuller report later. Wishing him and all of you the best in the...

Notice of SFZC Board of Directors Meeting

The meetings of the SFZC Board of Directors are open to dues-paying members. The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 13, 2013, at 2 pm in the Wheelwright Center at Green Gulch Farm.  There is no meeting scheduled in December. The 2014 calendar is below. For more...
November 1

November 1

Summarizing some news from Mary Stares today: Abbot Steve had chemotherapy yesterday and was in the hospital from 9 until 2. He’s at home resting now. Steve continues to lose weight, and recently he has not been able to absorb fluids into his system, so now he...

October 31

Dear Friends, A conversation with Mary yesterday reminded me that every day seems to bring greater fragility and discomfort to Abbot Steve as the cancer is moving through his body. That, combined with meds that are escalating daily to control pain and nausea, is...