New Website Launched at!
San Francisco Zen Center is pleased to announce that our main website at received a significant upgrade and redesign after a successful launch last week! The website we just retired was launched in the summer of 2007, and since then has served over 2 million...Update: August 25, 2015
Dear Friends, In our last post, we mentioned that plans were developing for Blanche to move to a different assisted living facility where she could have a private room. Since that time, Blanche has talked further with her family and has decided she does not wish to...Is Self-Cultivation Inherently Selfish? Dale Wright’s Answer on Psychology Today
The general criticism of self-cultivation as being too individualistic fails to recognize that we are unable to be of service to others until we have undergone enough self-transformation to begin to see larger realities beyond the importance of our own personal...Supporting A Far-Flung Community of Practitioners
Sangha Project